Champignons Magiques> Psychédéliques > Cactus Vivants > Trichocereus pachanoi cutting

Trichocereus pachanoi cutting

Trichocereus All Trichocereus Cacti offered are cultivated in the Netherlands, so they are not taken from nature. Native Indians in Bolivia name Trichocereus pachanoi and Trichocereus bridgesii both “Achuma” . So native Indians don”t make a difference between the appearance and the hallucinogenic effects of those two different species of San Pedro Cactus. Trichocereus pachanoi – San Pedro Cactus (also: Echinopsis pachanoi) Long columnar Cacti which can become 6 metres high and 15 centimetres thick. The stem has four to nine rounded ribs with a horizontal indentation above the areole. (areole = the place where the spines are situated on the stem). They have three to ten yellow to brown coloured thorns (spines). The length of the longest central spines is two centimetres. History of the San Pedro Cactus The San Pedro Cactus is an ancient holy columnar Cactus which contains much of the alkaloid Mescaline . The San Pedro Cacti are the most magical plants of South-America. These mystic plants are known by Shamans from the year 1300 B.C. onwards. San Pedro Cacti grow in nature in South America in countries like Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia. Meaning of San Pedro The name San Pedro originates from the holy St. Peter, who is considered to holds the keys to heaven. Mescaline in the San Pedro Cactus The three offered botanical species of San Pedro Cactus contain nearly the same concentration of Mescaline. The content of Mescaline is at most 0,1 – 0,2 % of a fresh living San Pedro Cactus. The amount of Mescaline is at most 1 – 2 % of a dried San Pedro Cactus. The percentage of Mescaline in Trichocereus peruvianus is perhaps even higher than Trichocereus pachanoi and Trichocereus bridgesii. See the book: Trout’s Notes on San Pedro & related Trichocereus species (2005), also for sale by ChampignonsMagiques. Description of the San Pedro Cactus The columnar San Pedro Cacti can become 6 metres tall and 15 cm thick. San Pedro Cacti have 4 to 9 pronounced ribs, and can grow 30 centimetres a year. The 4-ribbed San Pedro Cacti are called “Cactus of the Four Winds” . See the book: Plants of the Gods, written by R.E. Schultes, A. Hoffmann , C. Ratsch. Usage of the San Pedro Cactus It is used as a medicine to cure, against alcoholism, for success, as a hallucinogenic substance, to experience a mind-altering state. Effects of the San Pedro Cactus The alkaloid Mescaline is the most potent consciousness-expanding substance in San Pedro Cacti. Mescaline induces visual hallucinations, visions, sometimes with sounds. A San Pedro trip is less strong than a Peyote trip. The Peyote Cactus contains not only Mescaline, but many other alkaloids which will make the trip more intense. Directions for Growing the San Pedro Cactus Dry the cuttings of the San Pedro Cactus for three weeks horizontally. Pot the cuttings (6-8 cm long) in dry normal potting-soil in a pot of at most 7 cm diameter. Give after two weeks a little bit water (1/3 to 1/4 part of the content of the pot). Repeat this until the San Pedro Cactus is growing. Then totally soak the pot every two weeks with water. Throw away after a few hours the water that leaves the pot at the underside. Give each month a special Cactus-fertilizer to ensure a better growth. Don”t give water in the winter-months, there will be too few light to grow healthy. Otherwise the San Pedro will grow smaller, weaker, longer. In Western-Europe don”t give water from 1 October to 1 March. In Southern-Europe don”t give water from 15 October to 15 February. Place the potted San Pedro”s in full sunshine, but no temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius. This could develop in a closed area. San Pedro Cacti endure cold up till minus 10 degrees Celsius ! See the book: Trout’s Notes on The Cultivation & Propagation Of Cacti , also for sale at ChampignonsMagiques. Dosage of consumption of the San Pedro Cactus Be careful when eating the San Pedro Cactus. Only combine the San Ped


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